Monday, September 3, 2012


Recently I went on a early morning hike up a mountain with a group of youth to watch the sunrise. I remember the moment I caught sight of the horizon...I was amazed. There are no words at those moments, just worshipful amazement and wonder.

I am amazed and in wonder of many thing about my God. His love is almost incomprehensible and His surprise gifts so unexplainable. The ways God directs my path is unbelievable, but the record is there to prove it is in fact believable. Daily , God's providence astounds me. My mind can't fully grasp it, but I am content to remain in wonder of the mystery.

"Truth in Christ and through Christ is measureless...The most diligent searcher will see before him a boundless, shoreless sea. The truth as it is in Jesus can be experienced, but never explained. It's height and breadth, and depth pass our knowledge."
~ EGW COL 128, 129

This quote makes me feel wonder and awe. In the walk of faith we, finite beings, are constantly in the presence of the Infinite and in communion with the Beginning and Ending of all things. Amazement, wonder, unbelievable, else can I express the mystery , love and truth of our God?!

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