Thursday, November 8, 2012

To Live : In Praise

You know those days when everything goes wrong? One of those days came my way recently. I had just left the doctors office after being told I need to keep off my foot for several weeks. While trying to find my way through Jacksonville's confusing interstate system I was pulled over. As soon as the officer let me go I sought refuge in the nearest parking lot. Checking my email, I found 6 more job application rejections. It was too much. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. "What is going on God?! What am I supposed to do?"

Over the course of the last week God has answered that prayer, but I was not expecting the answer He gave. "Praise. Praise Me". He wasn't asking me to try harder or scheme longer. In the midst of all the confusion and uncertainty God wanted me to sit back in awe of Him and give thanks.

One morning He took me to Psalm 67 and the quote "The Privilege of Praise" in Patriarchs & Prophets page 289. Yet another morning He led me to Mary's praise session in Luke 1 : 45-55.
"My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior...For He who is mighty has done great things for me."
I realized Mary probably still had questions and fears, but she praised God in faith of what He had promised. Powerful.

What would it be like to serve as a continual fountain of adoration and praise?...praise that is neither dependent on situations or circumstance? When I think of living in praise I think of a shelter. I think of it as a place of joy that "no power of hell nor scheme of man" can disturb. I think of a flower with its face turned to the sun. I think of a mind kept in perfect peace as the thoughts are centered on Him who is worthy of all praise and worship.

Beautiful concept isn't it? But concepts stay concepts unless there are practical ways to bring them to life. Here are a few ideas on how to live in praise...

- Count blessings instead of sheep when you fall asleep

- Look through a photo album or journal and remember. He has been faithful!

- Sing a song of praise in the car

- Notice the small, everyday miracles (i.e. I'm breathing!)

- Post up a quote or Bible verse that inspires you to give thanks

-Behold God. His tender heart. His creativity. His mercy. The natural reaction will be a life of praise.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder my friend. Have you read the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp? A friend shared it with me this summer and its been such a blessing to me.

Melissa said...

Beautiful. :)

Unknown said...

Amen, friend. And what makes it most powerful is knowing it's not just being said, but lived.

Paula said...

Although this too is my goal, your real, true-to-life blog post has renewed my resolve to praise God in all--yes ALL--things. Thank you SO much for taking the time to articulate these thoughts.